Animals in Austraila


The Kangaroo has large powerful legs that are used for leaping around. The Kangaroo never runs but can hop up to 48 times it`s own body length.A baby Kangaroo is called a Joey it is carried around by it`s mother in a pouch animals that do this are called marsupials. Kangaroos have a diet like cows meaning that they eat vegetation.Groups of Kangaroos are called Mobs. Mobs usually consist of 10 Kangaroos.   


The Koala bear spends most of it`s day sleeping. It`s diet is mostly eucalyptus leafs. They like the kangaroo are marsupials. A new born joey is the size of a jelly bean. A female Koala is pregnant for only 35 days. Most males live up to ten years and females live a few years less.


The Dingo is found all around Australia. It is a wild form of the domestic dog.There are two theories about how it came 1. The aborigines brought it at least 15,000 years ago. Its coat varies from reddish ginger to rust to yellow and brown. It is not a natural pack hunter.

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